What items should be selected for an athletic portfolio?
- Items should be student desired, and student centered. Teachers can also give input on which items should be selected for the portfolio.
How should items be selected for an athletic portfolio?
- Selection should be made based on the criteria established for evaluation.
-Teachers and students can also create their own criteria for selection.
-This allows students to make some of their own choices
-Sample sections could be group work, individual work, reflections and rewards.
Who will select the items for an athletic portfolio?
- The students should have a major voice in selection, although teacher may help assist students in the selection process. Parents and peers may also have a say in the selection of items.
When to select items for athletic portfolios?
-Artifacts can be collected on an ongoing cumulative process, and stored in a working portfolio.
- Selection for the final portfolio are required at some point during the assessment process.
(Melograno, 2000)
(Burke, K., 2005)
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