Monday, October 26, 2009

Reference Page

-Burke, K. (2005). How to assess authentic learning.

Thousand Oaks, CA. Corwin Press.

-Cobb, C.F. (1996). Portfolios through the year.

Huntington Beach, CA. Teacher Created Materials Inc.

-Melagrano, V.J (2000). Portfolio assessment for K-12: Physical Education.

Cleveland State University, USA, National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

Using Athletic Portfolios In Our Future Gymnasiums

Tory Doty:
In order to be accepted into the Education Faculty as physical education major, part of our application process was completing and submitting and athletic portfolio. This was my first experience with working with athletic portfolios and I absolutely loved creating mine. In having the opportunity to combine all my previous accomplishments, awards, and successes, I was able to self- evaluate and reflect on the different activities that I have participated in in the past. I look forward to implementing athletic portfolios into a classroom or gymnasium of my own when I am a Phys. Ed teacher. I think these portfolios are a great way to create a strong student-teacher relationship, and allow students to showcase all of their past achievements. Although such a task requires huge organizational planning and skill, in the end it is worth it for my students. I would be more inclined to use athletic portfolio in a high school setting and with students who have a wide range of achievements to highlight. I would plan on creating a system where a portfolio is carried with a student and added to throughout the remainder of the students high school years.

Whitney Kambeitz:
Throughout the education program thus far, I have noticed how many professors use portfolios for assessment. Therefore, I have become very familiar with this type of assessment, and I really approve and appreciate as a student this evaluation technique. I find that I really take pride in my work, and am excited to take on project that are going to be put into my portfolios.
In saying this, I believe that my students will also appreciate the use of portfolios especially in a physical education setting. This will be a good way to keep track of their goals, mark their achievements, and monitor their overall growth throughout the year.
(Melograno, 2000, Pg.24)

Selecting Items for an a Athletic Portfolio

What items should be selected for an athletic portfolio?
- Items should be student desired, and student centered. Teachers can also give input on which items should be selected for the portfolio.

How should items be selected for an athletic portfolio?
- Selection should be made based on the criteria established for evaluation.
-Teachers and students can also create their own criteria for selection.
-This allows students to make some of their own choices
-Sample sections could be group work, individual work, reflections and rewards.

Who will select the items for an athletic portfolio?
- The students should have a major voice in selection, although teacher may help assist students in the selection process. Parents and peers may also have a say in the selection of items.

When to select items for athletic portfolios?
-Artifacts can be collected on an ongoing cumulative process, and stored in a working portfolio.
- Selection for the final portfolio are required at some point during the assessment process.

(Melograno, 2000)
(Burke, K., 2005)

Implementation of Athletic Portfolios

The Portfolio Process:
-Step One: Collect everything in a working portfolio.
-Step Two: Select key pieces for final portfolio
-Step Three: Reflect on the selections.
(Burke, K., 2005)

Organizational Tips for Teachers Collecting Students' Work:
1.) Large cardboard boxes
2.) File folders
3.) Filing cabinets
4.) Stored in a central location accessible to students.
5.) Depending on what type of portfolio is being used, different management techniques will be needed.
6.) Student confidentiality and privacy must be protected
7.) Guidelines should be established and strictly enforced with teachers and students.
8.) Teachers need to demonstrate and model management and behavioural strategies, to help those who struggle with organization. Ex: teach about the use of dividers, table of contents, labels etc.)
(Melograno, 2000)

Side Note: The physical education teacher must accommodate all the students' work across many different classes. Whereas, an elementary school teacher may only need to manage twenty to thirty portfolios.

Pros and Cons of Athletic Portfolios

Types of Portfolios Used Within Physical Education

1.) Personal Portfolios:
- Help develop a teacher-student relationship.
- Help student celebrate his/her interests.
- Allow students to present their hobbies, community activities, talents, sports interests, and special skills
- Personal portfolio can contain pictures, awards, videos, and other memorabilia .
- Allow students to make personal goals, reflect upon those goals, and continue to assess their progress through out kindergarten to grade twelve.

2.) Working Portfolios:
- A collection of daily, weekly, monthly or unit work products.
- Framework for self assessment and goal setting.
- Working portfolios are managed by the students.

3.) Record Keeping Portfolios:
- Teacher maintains and keeps the portfolios.
- Contains necessary assessments, evaluation samples, and records.
- The teacher chooses what is in this type of portfolio. Ex: behavioural checklists, observational information, progress reports, and traditional report cards.

4.) Group Portfolios:
- Good place to start for students that are new to the idea of portfolios.
- Different team members contribute individual items, along with group items to demonstrate the effectiveness of the entire group.
- Promote cooperative learning, such as interdependence, individual countability, cooperative behaviours, and team work.

5.) Thematic Portfolios:
- Relates to a unit of study lasting from two to six weeks. Ex: team work or socialization through sport, spacial awareness or self-expression.

6.) Showcase Portfolios:
- A limited number of items are selected to show growth over time. This type of portfolio only houses the student's best work.

7.) Multi-Year Portfolio:
- Student collect items over a cluster of grade levels for two to three years.
- The school stores these portfolios.
- Students can reflect upon their growth over several years.

(Melograno, 2000)

Why use Portfolios in Physical Education?

Portfolios help students to be empowered and motivated to learn and participate in Physical Education. The content within the individualized and unique portfolios of each student, allow young athletes to focus on the importance of motor abilities, sport skills, strategies, and rules. Goals can be made prior to each unit within the Phys. Ed. curriculum, and students can monitor their progress and reflect throughout the unit to help them reach their desired goal or goals. Students who are given the opportunity to take ownership of their own learning will become stronger, more engaged students (Cobb, 1996).

General Purposes of Athletic Portfolios:
1) Students can keep track of their individual progress.
2) Students are provided with the opportunity to assess their accomplishments.
3) Students are encouraged to set goals, and evaluate if those goals are met.
4) Parents can be involved in their child's progress.

Specific Purposes of Athletic Portfolios:
1) Portfolios promote healthy lifestyles.
2) Help communicate students strengths and weaknesses in gross and fine motor skills.
3) Help with determining degrees of social and personal development.
(Cobb, 1996).

What Is A Portfolio?

A portfolio is an organized collection of student work, that is utilized by both the student and the teacher to observe the student's growth in knowledge, ability, and attitudes (Cobb, 1996). Portfolios allow students to identify their own individual growth, progress and achievements in one or more areas (Burke, 1999).